Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Weeks 22-28

I'm starting to feel physically uncomfortable. My belly has grown significantly so bending down is difficult. Just the day to day housework and taking care of the kids tires me out. I'm also having some TMI issues along with my usual pelvic pain and discomfort.

Lately I crave comfort foods (steak, mashed potatoes, meatloaf, etc) and Mexican food. How could I not I am half Mexican lol. Also now that I am nearly in the 3rd trimester my tastebuds have normalized and I can handle sweets again. I am always craving something sweet.

I sleep okay but occasionally wake up early unable to go back to sleep right away. I also feel uncomfortable while trying to sleep because every time I move or turn myself my body aches.

Happy or Moody?
I would say I am happy overall but I get moody a lot easier this pregnancy. I definitely feel like I have a shorter temper than usual. I also seem to be more bothered by little things than I usually do.

Looking forward to:
I'm currently looking forward to (but also overwhelmed by) setting up her nursery. I need to get her a crib and all the things for her. What also makes planning her nursery a little stressful is the fact that she will be sharing a room with her brother and I feel like I won't be able to make it as girly as I would have liked. :( (I know...1st world problems)

Thursday, November 15, 2018

2nd Trimester: Weeks 13-21

All of my 1st trimester symptoms began to gradually subside by this point. I still had off days but overall began to feel better the farther along I became.

My cravings were never really the same thing. I craved something different depending on the day. I will say I craved more food vs. sweets.

Baby's Sex:
During week 14 when I had my NT scan the tech told me we were having a girl! This was very exciting for my husband and I since we have two boys but even so we knew that 14 weeks was a bit early and we might hear something different at our 20 week scan. But at our 20 weeks scan it was confirmed that we indeed were having a girl!

We decided on Olivia! Such a beautiful classic name.

Once Andrew started sleeping through the night I had no problems sleeping at all. Every once in awhile I will wake up in the middle of the night but I usually fall back asleep after an hour or so.

Showing yet:
I started noticing my belly growing way earlier this time time around. Not sure if others really noticed though. I did take a picture of my belly around 14 weeks and I could definitely see a small bump.

Happy or Moody?
Once all my symptoms started to subside I began to feel like I could enjoy this pregnancy. I finally felt happy and excited, especially once finding out we were having a girl. This was new territory for me so I was looking forward to being able to buy girly things. Also so happy to experience a Fall/Winter pregnancy this time around. Such a special time of the year to be pregnant around the holidays.

Looking forward to:
Like I said above I'm looking forward to being able to buy cute girly things! I'm also so excited to meet Olivia and just see her beautiful face. I'm so curious as to whether she looks more like me or my husband or a combination of both of us.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

1st Trimester: Weeks 4-12

So this is my 6th pregnancy (3rd successful pregnancy) and since it may be my last I want to document what I can. So here we go!

When/How I found out:
I found out around 5 weeks that I was pregnant by a store bought pregnancy test. We were not planning to get pregnant around this time but I had felt a bit off and just had a feeling. Although I felt off, I figured I was probably not pregnant and my body was still regulating as I was only about 8 months postpartum.

My initial reaction:
I hate to admit but honestly my initial reaction was shock and then tears. I cried because I felt like I had just been pregnant and I didn't know if I was ready to go through the whole process again. Transitioning from one to two children had been hard on us as a family and the thought of three at the moment seemed so overwhelming. I have also had previous miscarriages so the 1st trimester of pregnancy is always a ball of stress for me. I hadn't been taking the best care of myself and I feared that that may lead to an early miscarriage. I was just a mix of emotions.

Around 6 weeks I started to feel the tiredness and nausea. I felt extremely tired this time around but it also might have been the fact that Andrew did not always sleep through the night and was still so dependent on me for care. The nausea (without vomiting) came and went throughout the day. The constant hunger pains I felt didn't help my nausea. I had that whole cycle of being nauseous because I was hungry but not being able to eat because I was nauseous. I also struggled with a bad taste in my mouth and the urge to gag randomly. It was a struggle but it honestly was not as bad as my pregnancy with Andrew.

I didn't really have cravings in the first trimester but I do remember my go to snack was goldfish crackers lol.

Baby's Sex:
I didn't know at this point yet. But my intuition was saying a girl!

I had a few days of insomnia here and there but nothing like my other two pregnancies. I did have some rough nights though because Andrew was not always sleeping through the night at this point.

Showing yet?
I thought I was although I'm pretty sure I just looked bloated to most people. I definitely saw my belly pop a lot sooner this time than previous pregnancies.

Happy or Moody?
I was definitely moody during the first trimester. I struggled with depression the first few months. It was hard to feel tired and nauseous and not be able to rest. And it was hard for me to be okay with letting go of my normal household duties. Ryan did so much but even so he could only do so much because he works full time.

Looking forward to:
At this point I was looking forward to my morning sickness subsiding, getting my energy back, and finding out whether we were having a girl or boy! Honestly I didn't care either way if we were having a girl or a boy but it's just always an exciting surprise when you find out :)

Thursday, November 8, 2018


I hate that I don't use this space as much as I would like. I miss the blogging days, typing out my thoughts and reading other’s thoughts. I enjoy Instagram but miss the substance that blogs had. It seems Instagram is becoming more about appearances and ads. Anyways, lots of changes have occurred since my last post on here. I feel like this is always the case with the space between my posts. Well, I am pregnant! This will more than likely be my last pregnancy which has me feeling mixed feelings. But I’m trying to enjoy every moment of this pregnancy now that I am feeling more myself. I hope to do some posts about my pregnancy so I can look back on them. We shall see if I can make time to do so the next 5 months. Also my big boy Nate turned 4 years old! And my baby boy Andrew turned 1! Slow down time! I need more time to enjoy my kids as they are now, they are growing too fast! I need to document my thoughts about parenthood as well. Although this time in my life can be lonely at times and I feel like I get no time to myself I am so so grateful I get to be home with my kids. This was my dream! And I’m living it! It’s so easy to get caught up in how mundane the daily routine can be each day and how overwhelmed I can feel. But I know this time is short and I will miss it dearly one day.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Halfway through 2018 already! How!? I was reading my last post and thinking about how I held up on living more simple yet intentional. I think I’ve done okay so far. I did clear out a lot of things before Andrew was born and more when we had our hardwood floors refinished. But there is still so much stuff I have to go through and rid of in our garage. But I think I’ve made progress. In terms of living a more intentional life I think I can do better. I feel this year has been tough on me. The postpartum period is a journey for me and even 8 months out I feel my hormones going up and down.  I’m hoping it’ll get better. I do need to treat my body better. I haven’t been drinking enough water or eating as healthy as I should. I definitely feel different after Andrew was born. I wake up everyday with my body aching which I’ve never experienced prior to his birth. I may be deficient in certain vitamins and nutrients. I think once I feel better I can focus more on my life goals. Right now my life goals are taking care of myself so I can better take care of my children and family.